
Associate Professor Guei-Sheung (Rick) Liu

Principal Investigator, Head of Genetic Engineering Research

Associate Professor Guei-Sheung (Rick) Liu leads CERA’s genetic engineering research, focusing on using advanced gene technology to improve treatments for eye diseases.

Associate Professor Guei-Sheung (Rick) Liu

Principal Investigator, Head of Genetic Engineering Research

BMedSci, PhD

Associate Professor Guei-Sheung (Rick) Liu is a Principal Investigator and leads the Genetic Engineering Research Unit at the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA).

He received his PhD in biochemistry from Kaohsiung Medical University and was a postdoc at the O’Brien Institute, CERA and the University of Melbourne.

Associate Professor Liu has significant expertise in gene technologies with over 100 publications and continuous funding from the NHMRC and other agencies since 2012.

Over the last five years, his research has specifically delved into the fields of gene editing and tunable gene delivery, with a focus to refine these applications to clear the current hurdles impeding clinical translation for ocular gene therapy.

Associate Professor Liu serves on the editorial board of PLoS One, Journal of Gene Medicine, Annals of Eye Science and Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. He also holds the appointment as an adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Tasmania and Principal Research Fellow (Ophthalmology) at the University of Melbourne.

Key research questions
  • Can we use emerging gene technology, such as gene editing, to treat eye diseases?
  • Can we customise gene therapy to achieve safe and effective treatments to prevent vision loss?
  • Can nanocarriers be used to improve drug and gene delivery in the eye?

Current projects

Selected publications

My team

Key collaborators

Funding and support

Current projects

Tunable gene therapy to halt neovascular eye disease

This project aims to develop a tunable gene therapy for long-term and tailored managing neovascular eye diseases.

Harnessing gene editing technology to treat eye diseases

This project aims to use the latest gene editing technologies to develop novel gene therapies for inherited retinal diseases.

Engineered nanocarrier: A novel platform for ocular drug and gene delivery

The collaborative project aims to utilise nanoparticle/extracellular vesicle technology to improve the effectiveness and specificity of drug and gene delivery in the treatment of eye diseases.

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