Lions Eye Donation Service

30 years of giving sight

The Lions Eye Donation Service (LEDS) eye bank marks its 30th birthday in July 2021.

Join us as we celebrate 30 years of giving sight with 30 days of highlights, from research achievements, heartwarming recipient stories, donor journeys and more.

Thank you

to all our donors, past, present and future



The 31st day of the Lions Eye Donation Service’s 30th anniversary month is the perfect time for a heartfelt thank you to all our donors and donor families.


We couldn’t do what we do without the kindness of those who decide to donate their eyes to give sight to others.


A further thank you to Alison, Sienna, Dale, Lesley and Margaret for sharing their families’ donation stories.

Contact Lions Eye Donation Service (LEDS)

Please call (03) 9929 8708 7am-4pm Monday-Friday or email us.
Urgent referrals: Authorised health practitioners may contact LEDS 6am-10pm via the on-call phone 0408 370 148.