Eye Conditions

Eye health resources

These free guides, tools and resources provide essential information about eye conditions, protecting your vision and research advances at CERA.  To receive your copy, subscribe for monthly Eye-news emails below.

Your free resources


Get to know glaucoma

Our Get to know glaucoma guide gives you the essential facts about glaucoma, and an insight into the latest research advances at CERA.


Your eyes and diabetes

Our Your eyes and diabetes guide provides vital information about keeping your eyes healthy, and a glimpse of the diabetic eye disease research happening at CERA.


Understanding age-related macular degeneration

Our Understanding age-related macular degeneration guide gives you an introduction to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and the latest world-class research at CERA.

Eye health

Healthy ageing eyes

Our Healthy ageing eyes guide gives you a snapshot of the major ageing eye diseases you need to know about – and simple steps you can take now to protect your vision for the future.

Eye health

Keeping young eyes healthy

In Australia, about one in five children have an undetected eye problem.

Our Keeping young eyes healthy guide explains some of the conditions that can affect young eyes, the warning signs to look out for and ways to protect your children’s vision for the future.


Amsler grid download

If you have early signs of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), this Amsler grid tool can help you monitor vision changes.

Make sure you read and follow the instructions included on the grid.
While the Amsler grid is a useful tool for home monitoring, it should not replace regular visits to your optometrist or ophthalmologist.