Annual Review 2023

The forefront of tissue donation

Dr Heather Machin is looking to future trends in eye banking to guide the next chapter of the Lions Eye Donation Service.


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Dr Heather Machin, the new head of the Lions Eye Donation Service (LEDS) at CERA is looking to continue the team’s legacy of being at the forefront of tissue donation.

“It’s a really exciting time for eye banking, and I’m looking forward to helping bring the latest practices to LEDS,” Dr Machin says.

In November 2023, Dr Machin replaced Dr Graeme Pollock OAM, who retired after more than 30 years leading the team.

Throughout her career, she has played an important role in the global eye banking community, as a member of several international organisations and groups that have shaped how eye banking is performed.

“There is a global movement towards cellular therapies in the cornea, more bioengineering, greater support for biobanking and more collaborations throughout the organ and tissue community,” Dr Machin says.

“I’m honoured to continue Graeme’s amazing work alongside the team he has built.”


This story was originally published in People in focus: Annual Review 2023.

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